CB Radio for Emergency Communications
"Breaker 19, anyone there good buddy ... Music Man is looking for a smokey report ... over!" #Memories . CB radio has come a long way while being heavily used for road reports from 18 wheelers. Now drivers reply on their cars radio or their smartphone with apps for traffic reporting. Their use now is turning to establishing Emergency Communications when the Cell Towers are Off-Air due to natural disasters or communities without a local radio station for emergency communications and alerts for their listeners. A classic example is how the little 4-Watt CB radio has come into its own in Australia. Here it is used to communicate important and often time sensitive information between neighbors and small communities. At Emcomms Org the use of a CB radio has been placed in the spotlight for when the other forms of communication are down / not available. EmComms Org started with Ham Radio operators only, this has changed since the effectiveness of CB radio communications in emergencies was shown to be of critical value such as the Australia use for CB radios. No longer is a CB radio left in a box in a closet, rather it is out on a counter where it belongs when needed quickly. Experienced CB operators are most welcome to apply to become members of the EmComms Org. Visit the website (see Icon below) and read the mission statement and goals, then go to the registration page and complete your information. EmComms Org is an international group of volunteer radio operators, be they Amateur or Citizens radio operators who want to help their local community.